Musings. Poetry Inspiration. Book Writing eCourse & Resources.

After 16 years as a creative writer, editor and publisher, I am inviting you to join my creative writing blog and to learn how to start writing.

The life path of every person weaves a beautiful story, a story that is unique to you. It defines and shapes the lens through which you view the world, molding you into who you are and who you will become. Like each of us, you experience the same universal emotions of love, betrayal, beauty, happiness, peace, and pain. You filter. You ask questions. You heal. You try to forget. You find joy. And you love again. No other person on earth can or will experience things in the same way you do, because your story is your own.

No one owns your story. Only you do. And by taking ownershipโ€”in all its beautiful mountaintops and sorrowful valleysโ€”you become the storyteller of your life. 

Writing is discovery. As a creative writer I seek to learn from my own story, and the stories of others. My story is my own. Just like yours. 

Join me as I present my stories to you.

No one owns your story. Only you do. And by taking ownershipโ€”in all its beautiful mountaintops and sorrowful valleysโ€”you become the storyteller of your life.

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My name is Vanessa.

I am a creative writer and travel journalist. As a creative writing teacher and writing coach, I help others discover, share, and celebrate their own story.



Be inspired by reading my Musingsโ€”my creative writing blog. Find poetry inspiration through my poems in Poetics.

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Letโ€™s help you find writing inspiration, book ideas, learn about book manuscript format, how to start writing and how to become an author.

Capture your life events, thoughts, and emotions into words and translate them into a universal language and experience that will not only engage readers intellectually, but also emotionally.

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Have you wondered how to write a book? Are you are seeking writing inspiration? Do want to know how to write creatively?

From plot worksheets, to book outline templates, manuscript format, book chapters, how to build characters to how to write creatively, find book writing resources here.

Vanessa as Ghostwriter and Editor Featured On